Haipu F1 is an excellent choice for summer and late autumn production.
Forms medium-sized, completely round heads weighing 3 kg. for 75-85 days after transplanting.
Early variety of the Turkish company YUKSEL for winter-spring cultivation in greenhouses.
The hybrid is specially produced for the countries of the Balkan Peninsula.
Sarmalin F1 is intended mainly for the production of sauerkraut and sauerkraut, but also for the fresh market.
Early variety of Clause with oval shape.
Vegetation 62-65 days from transplanting.
Serengeti is a cylindrical green bean for fresh market and processing with very good yield potential.
The plant is erect, up to 60 cm tall.
Determinant hybrid, for early and medium early outdoor production.
Highly leafy plant that protects the fruit from burns.
New pink tomato from CLAUSE!
As tasty as Aphen F1, but with even better color on hot days, without a "cob", and the most resistant to cracking.
Strong plant with well-balanced internodes.
Good pollination, even in the heat!
Good choice for summer-autumn!
The best of Clause - the BEEF BANG F1 super tomato.
A high-yielding hybrid of the Nantes variety type.
Strong and robust leaf apparatus.
Hybrid rootstock for pumpkin crops. As a result of strong growth increases the yield and size of the fruit.
Early variety, new selection by Clause for open production and greenhouses.
Vegetation about 45-48 days from transplanting.