Very productive variety, with smooth and cylindrical carrots with attractive color. Upright and very stable leaf mass.


Caribou is a strong carrot with a healthy leaf mass. The hybrid is about a week earlier than Carlano.

NEW carrot hybrid from Seminis. Carlano is a medium-early hybrid type "Nantes" with a growing season of 125-130 days.

They are characterized by very high yield, uniformity, deep orange color and excellent taste of the roots.

NEW hybrid carrots type Nanski. Vegetation period 110-115 days. Sturdy and upright leaf mass.

Variety with dark green leaves and medium size. Produces carrots with purple color, medium size, smooth, uniform, easy to peel roots and excellent presentation.

Medium early variety of Clause. Vegetation 110 days from germination. For summer and autumn cultivation.

A standard Nantes type carrot variety. A smooth root crop, it quickly turns brown and dulls with upright, strong leaves.

Very early Nantes type for fresh market with 90-95 days vegetation. It has many upright leaves and good field resistance.

High yielding hybrid, Nantes type. Suitable for fresh consumption and for storing connections.

High-yielding, hybrid variety. Standard Natski type with upright, strong leaves, Alternaria tolerant.

leaf image