It is suitable for early and medium early production, with excellent taste, mainly for the fresh market.

Syngenta's latest super sweet corn hybrid for early and medium early production.

GSS 8529 F1 is a powerful and powerful anti-stress super cute hybrid. Suitable for summer and early autumn production.

The hybrid is suitable for basic production. It is extremely adaptable for growing.

New, early hybrid super sweet corn, with a growing season of 59-67 days. The plants reach a height of 150-160 cm.

Early to medium early variety with vegetation about 78 days from germination. Super sweet SH2 (double sugar)

High yielding sweet corn hybrid. Vegetation period 80-85 days.

Very early hybrid, with 65-70 days of vegetation. The plants are low - up to 1.5 m, hardy and level.

NEW early, high-yielding hybrid of super sweet corn. Vegetation period 70-75 days.

Early hybrid, matures in 70 - 73 days after germination. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning.

The cobs are 22-24 cm long, average weight 300-320 g and grainy to the top. The number of rows in a cob is 18-20.

NEW hybrid super sweet corn. Vegetation period 77-80 days.

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