A new hybrid for late production, which has passed two years of testing under our conditions.
Forms large, round, slightly flat on the forehead, heads weighing 3.5-4.5 kg for 80-90 days after transplanting.
There are no significant differences with the Grand Slam, but towards the end of the growing season it limits its growth and does not form extra large, difficult to realize heads.
Its seed production is based on SMS (cytoplasmic male sterility), which guarantees 100% varietal purity.
Haipu F1 is an excellent choice for summer and late autumn production.
Forms medium-sized, completely round heads weighing 3 kg. for 75-85 days after transplanting.
Intello F1 is suitable for early, medium early and late production.
Intel has a loose internal structure and excellent taste, which predisposes it to good sales, both in the fresh market and for processing.
The hybrid is specially produced for the countries of the Balkan Peninsula.
Sarmalin F1 is intended mainly for the production of sauerkraut and sauerkraut, but also for the fresh market.