A fast-growing hybrid that forms round and hard heads. High degree of self-twisting of the heads.

Withstands very high temperatures in summer. The head is white, fine, with good self-twisting.

A hybrid specially designed for dry and hot climates. The upright, energetic, dark green leaf system perfectly wraps the heads.

Variety with medium resistance to high temperatures and high flatness of the heads. It has upright leaf mass, which provides good protection of flowering.

Produces white, compact, high quality heads. Incomparable value for money. Vegetation period (days) - 80

Skywalker is a medium late hybrid for autumn harvest. Many vital plants with snow-white, dense and very well protected heads, well covered by the sheath leaves.

Cauliflower seeds VERONICA (Veronica F1) Veronica F1 is a hybrid of cauliflower, a selection of "Bejo Zaden", type "Romanesco".

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